Final Chance To Support Sewage Free Seas

The Sewage Free Seas campaign offers us the best opportunity in a generation to tackle the raw sewage discharges from sewer overflows that continue to impact our coastline and people that use it.

The Sewage Free Seas campaign asks for a simple signature before 23:59 on 11th May.  If you have already signed then please ask your friends and family to do the same before the campaign closes.

We will present the Sewage Free Seas signatures to our All Party Parliamentary Group members on 23rd May.  We have invited public health and environment scientists, supporting environmental NGOs, representatives of the surfing and shellfish industry and a young surfer who fell seriously ill after using the sea during a sewer overflow pollution event last summer to speak at this meeting.  Together we will present the case for clamping down on these harmful discharges to the All Party Parliamentary Group and your voice can be part of that important call!  Also attending the meeting are the Environment Agency, the water industry and Government regulators.

The Sewage Free Seas campaign could have an instant impact on your beach as the Environment Agency have committed to implement any changes to the sewer overflow licenses from Autumn 2016.  Once this opportunity has passed these licenses won’t be reviewed until 2025 so don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard.  Sign up to Sewage Free Seas today!