Election hub

Politicians, cut the crap. It's time to #EndSewagePollution

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Let’s turn our rage into change

Furious about the shitty state of our waters? You’re not alone ✊🌊  

Our most important natural resource is being treated like crap. Sewage in our seas and rivers is at a record-breaking, stomach-churning high. Surfers and swimmers are getting sick or choosing to stay on the shore. Wildlife is struggling to survive.   

But there’s an election coming on 4th July and, together, we can show candidates from every political party that a clean ocean is a priority for voters.

We’re here to help you make this election count. It’s time to turn the tide on the sewage scandal and cut the crap, once and for all.

Let’s do this!

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What we’re doing

We’re taking the #EndSewagePollution campaign on tour! This is a critical time to raise the noise levels on sewage pollution and so we’re going on a road-trip around the UK to do just that.

Find out more about our Election Road Trip, and how you can get involved below.

The SAS Election Road-Trip

How you can get involved

Your voice matters. From now until 4th July, candidates standing for election will be out and about travelling the country looking to win your vote. This gives you the power to influence the policies of the next government.

Tools and resources

We are going to equip you with the tools to ask all candidates what they will do, if elected, to tackle sewage pollution. Together, this wave of Ocean Activism will become an unstoppable force that finally turns the tide on the sewage scandal.

First, if you’re old enough, you’re going to want to be able to vote.

How to register to vote

Then you want to make your voice count. Here’s our suggested questions for you to put to candidates, from all parties, who come knocking on your door seeking your vote:

  • What will you personally do to stop water users like me from getting sick when we use our favourite local spots?  
  • In 2023 Water companies discharged untreated sewage at least 588,205 times across the UK. What will your party do to make sure water companies don’t get away with breaking the law and profiting from pollution?
  • The system isn’t working. What are your and your party’s plans to reform the system to ensure water companies put human health and the environment first?

Get a printable version

Want to know what the major political parties are committing to when it comes to sewage pollution? And how it stacks up against our end sewage pollution manifesto? Read our review blog below.

Read our manifesto review

Election FAQ

Voting is one of the simplest ways to participate in democracy, and a chance to make your voice heard.

We don’t often get an opportunity like this, and we encourage everyone who can vote to do so. 

MPs will be making decisions on issues that are important to you, like the health of our waterways. By voting, you not only show support for a candidate who most represents your views in Parliament, you are also sending a message about which issues mean the most. Voting does matter.  

So what’s next? 

Step 1. Make sure you’re registered to vote by 18th June 

🚩 If you need to apply for a postal or proxy vote, you’ll need to apply before the below deadlines.  

Step 2. Make a note of key dates not to miss:  

18th June – voter registration deadline 

19th June, 5pm – deadline to apply for a vote by post  

25th June, 5pm – deadline to apply for a proxy vote (someone to vote in person on your behalf) 

26th June – deadline to apply for Voter Authority Certificate deadline – you may need this to vote if: 

  • you do not have accepted photo ID 
  • you no longer look like the photo on your ID 
  • the name on your photo ID is different to your name on the electoral register 

4th July – don’t forget your ID, it’s election day! 

Who you vote for is totally up to you and we will never seek to influence your choices.

We suggest engaging and talking to your local candidates about what they will do to improve the things you care about, and reading party manifestos to make your decision on who you choose to vote for.

We want whoever forms the next government to set out and deliver bold and ambitious plans to end sewage pollution into the places we swim, surf and love by 2030. 

Read our review of the manifestos

Surfers Against Sewage is a politically neutral charity. This means we do not, and cannot, support or oppose any party or candidate. In the next few weeks parties will be setting out their manifestos explaining what they promise to do if elected. Check out our breakdown of political parties promises on sewage here.

We want whoever forms the next government to set out and deliver bold and ambitious plans to end sewage pollution into the places we swim, surf and love by 2030.


Ahead of elections, parliamentary candidates will spend a lot of time speaking to voters about a variety of issues, and we need to them to hear about the issues affecting our waters. One way of doing this is by hosting an event called a ‘hustings.’

A hustings provides communities the chance to ask political candidates questions around their plans and priorities for their area. It’s not just a chance for us to hear from the candidates, but rather for them to hear what matters to us.

A hustings can include:

  • An opportunity for candidates to introduce themselves and their or their parties’ policy ambitions
  • A Q&A with the audience or the community – a chance to really dig into the issues and grill the candidates
  • A bit of (moderated) debate amongst candidates

And most importantly, it’s a chance for us to be heard, to demand more and to put pressure on candidates to commit to ocean-saving action. 

We’ll soon be announcing some exciting dates for your calendar! Keep your eyes peeled.

Will you take a stand against sewage pollution?

Get a free Vote for the Ocean / Vote for our Rivers poster to display in your window and show canvassers and candidates that it's time to cut the crap.

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The End Sewage Pollution Manifesto

Created by water lovers united by an ambition to deliver thriving water environments, our manifesto sets out the progressive policies that all parties must adopt to end sewage pollution.

Read the End Sewage Pollution Manifesto

Fuel our fight

This is a now or never moment for the fight against sewage pollution. And we're giving it our all. Become a member today to help super-charge our campaigns and add your voice to the thousands of Ocean Activists demanding an end to sewage pollution.