The Safer Seas and Rivers Service Relaunches

Protecting Water Users Across the UK From Sewage Pollution

When it comes to living in the UK, sh*t happens. Every day, hundreds of sewage discharges gush out from thousands of sewer overflows around the country. It stinks.

Add to that the impact of severe rainfall – which churns all manner of unknown pollutants into the ocean – from farming, septic tanks, roads, and urban areas – and it’s not a pretty picture.

Today is the day. Our new and improved Safer Seas and Rivers Service app has officially launched!

We provide the only national real-time water quality alerts service which exposes the dirty practices of water companies and allows you to make informed decisions about where you are when you use the water.

In order to keep protecting water users across the UK, we gave the app a new lease of life to make sure it can keep providing an invaluable service of non-biased, free real-time water quality alerts for years to come.

We’ve made it easier than ever to search out a swim, surf or sail spot, which is safe to enter and clear from sewage on the day you want to get in the water.

So – What’s new?

We’ve been working alongside a talented team of designers and developers at Brighton-based ASquared, whose shared passion for sustainability and the climate has formed a partnership made in heaven (or the Ocean). Read more about our partnership and process.

With a supporter base of hundreds of thousands, we’ve been busy future-proofing the app so we can keep scaling up. We’ve included some exciting new functions and updates. These include;

Create your own watchlist to be notified when there is either a sewage discharge or reduced water quality


See more information about a discharge, including the time and exact location


Northern Ireland locations are now live, with 6 locations across the coast now receiving pollution forecast alerts


Scottish locations are back online following a cyber-attack back in 2020 which disabled their service


Easily share alerts and information with your family and friends if they need to be alerted of a risk


We created the app with you, the water users, in mind. Let us know what you think or any suggested changes you have by emailing us on [email protected].

Why We Need This App

By downloading the SSRS you’re not just keeping yourself safe, you’re helping us show the water companies that we won’t stand for their spewing sewage.

As water companies start to bring their own real-time water quality alert services into the public domain, it’s imperative that we don’t let them control the narrative and greenwash themselves out of the damning truth. They have been pumping raw sewage into our waterways for decades while disregarding the dangerous risks to human health and the future of our planet.

Can we trust them to put the health of people and nature above profits and public image? What’s changed? Look at the SSRS after rainfall and decide for yourself…

Download the app Safer Seas & Rivers Service today to join the campaign and stay safe when you swim.

“The SSRS app is a brilliant way to keep water users safe with it’s accessible red cross and green tick system.  It’s so much more though and gives possibility for water quality reporting, letter to  MPs and water CEO’S plus the option for personal stories when you’ve got sick with the option of submitting anonymously. Download it, it’s amazing and free.”
Chani Kind, Regional Rep from the Isle of Wight

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