Food Chain Challenge

Look at the person on your left. Now at the person on your right. One of these people will try to eat you. But who? In these activities, you’re going to play the parts of different marine animals, and see who can eat their way to the top of the food chain.

  • duration icon 10mins
  • age icon All ages
  • activity icon Outdoors

Who will you eat?

A food chain is where the different organisms in a habitat eat each other to survive. A krill eats some seaweed, a fish eats the krill, and a shark eats the fish. In this game of rock, paper, scissors you’re going to play the parts of different marine animals, and see who can eat their way to the top of the food chain.

Food Chain Challenge is an Explore activity, all about getting active and investigating critical issues. For a full Ocean School journey, we’d recommend doing a Connect exercise first, to help you feel closer to the sea and get things off to a chilled start. And then once you’ve done the Explore task, finishing with a Protect activity to put everything you’ve learned into action

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